Sunday, 30 March 2008

I'm Leavin', on a Jetplane...

La la la.
That song is so cool...

So here it is. I'm flying home. Gonna keep it a surprise to my family and friends this time, I'll wait for the right moment to tell them. It's going to be soooo great! Big smiles.

Looking for work was very hard, and think I just gave up on looking the last few days. For most of you, you might think of me as sad, but to be honest, I did London. Its definitely not for the weak. Loved my only job here, working in a busy Pub & Restaurant on the North of London, but the only problem was the weekends. They were long, they were very late, and you never got a weekend night off. Imagine, no weekend night off in London for 5 months. It wasn't funny. It's great people can do that, but I don't go out much, and I really wanted to go out in London, with friends.

Who to go out with though, as well. When you work in a place like that at the start, its very hard to make friends. All you have is your work group, and they're all in the same situation. A few of my work colleagues Did get a weekend night off since I started, and honestly it wasn't fair..

So, that's my rant of my last job. Anyways, I'm flying to Shannon on Monday morning the 7th of April at 9.05am. Apart from my sister Roisin, my boyfriend Ollie and one of my close friends Angie, no-one else knows. For now...

Happy, but sad too. I'm leaving one special person behind, and it hurts a lot.. x

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Photo of Barcelona (Feb '08)...

Gonna see how big it comes up here. Was thinking of putting some up here, but if it's too big, might just leave it... Not sure how to size them down for this. Here's a nice one of me in front of La Sagrada Familia...

Friday, 28 March 2008

Limbo Land... Is there such a place?

Yes! And I've found it.

It's this place, where you're stuck, you dont know where you're going. People tell you to enjoy it, but how can you, when nothing is happening. I sent the CVs, I checked the agencies, I got this stupid cough that won't seem to go away, I live in a little box room with a bed, my phone/radio, and some amount of luggage.
My boyfriend has things to do, he has a life. That's cool.
Just wish I could feel better and do things too. I don't care, have to get out of bed tomorrow and explore London, even if I'm ill.
Being alone isn't actually a nice feeling most of the time.

The Ideas I come up with that I never write down...

So today, I was having a nice chat with my "blindy" friend, Darragh, when we were talking about Self Service food where he works. He said he hates it when all these people come up to him trying to help him out, 'pointing' and shouting out where different types of food are. Then, being dragged to a table you didnt really want to sit at, because they pushed you to it.. And after all that, you could forget something, and be too embarrassed to get up again...

So, I suggested if and when blind people are working in a building with Self Service, there should be a metal or plastic overhanging board, with Braille printed on it, stating the different food there should be under the board. And, if any food's not on display, to cover it up.

He said, I should really look into that, but you know, me and ideas, they always go in and out of my head, and I never wrote them down. Its really simple stuff for blind people, and its not fair that these services are still not available or thought up for them. Especially liked the ideas I had for blind people and people in hospitals.

For example, there's one idea where if someone were in an ITU (Intensive Trauma Unit), and noone there to communicate with that they know, especially a young life, that if there was any way of sending a message without disruptting the equipment around the room. Basically, your brain energy gets less and less as your going because noone's talking to you to keep you alive. Its not the same when a nurse or doctor is trying to talk to you, cos its their job. They care, but to an extent.

If there was anyway to make a device that can send and receive SMS messages or even phone calls without bothering the ITU machines, that was be an accomplishment.

Another thing D brought to my attention, is that he's very impressed by the way I was "the first person ever to find a way of texting to a blind person so they could read it with any sighted assistance". Pretty big achievement. See, I found a way of texting to an email address when I was going thru school, being bored, and Darragh was usually 'studying'... Ha.

Anywho, think it was with Vodafone at the time. Thanks Voda! They helped a bit.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Leona Lewis... You had me at OMG!

Could you believe it? This is a singer I never really liked from the start when her chart No.1 song played at my last job on Friday and Saturday nights. Leona Lewis, or that one my boyfriend refers to as the doggie from the Bus Eireann ad (yes, that doggie)...

She's made it to No.1 in the US Billboard! Straight up there! I'm shocked! Well, if the information is right, she's the 3rd British woman to top the Billboards since they first started.

Fair play girl! I still don't like your music, but here's to you...

His Galway Girl...

My Cork boyfriend was telling me of all the comments he was getting from having this video on his page. He should be proud, going out with a Galway girl and all...

What do you think guys? Giggle. x ;) Thats for you Ol :)

Recruitment Agencies.. Nothing going for me there....

Look, I don't have a qualification in any of this stuff. People give me these websites and there I am, thinking "God, I can't do this cos I honestly have nothing to my name but jobs in bars and shops"... Getting me more confuzzled..

Woke up at 1pm (but I WAS gonna wake up earlier), and going thru these agencies the last two days. Felt like crying. If anyone can hire a girl thats worked in 1 bar, 1 shop and a few food jobs, with 1years cert in Multimedia Authoring, with a little experience in secretary work... Please pick me :(

On another note, I visited the Tate Modern gallery yesterday afternoon. Really loved it, especially the Surrealism part on the 3rd floor. Took a particular note of some of Pablo Picasso and Francis Bacon's work. Liked Picasso's "The Three Dancers", and an art video made by Maya Deren called "Meshes in The Afternoon". Used to love reading about dreams when I was younger, and these images came with the books, a lot of Surrealism. Watch these two parts and see what you think...

Something to think about :)

First day on the Blogging Job...

Hey there...

Haven't blogged in a good year or two, too much happening, and such little time. Whereas now, I've too much time and lost, mainly of my own doing.

My sister got me onto this really good song from an LA girl called Katy Perry, not sure now how to link Youtube stuff, so here goes...

I like her, she reminds me of Lily Allen and a tiny bit of Kate Nash. Still can't believe she's from LA...