Sunday, 30 March 2008

I'm Leavin', on a Jetplane...

La la la.
That song is so cool...

So here it is. I'm flying home. Gonna keep it a surprise to my family and friends this time, I'll wait for the right moment to tell them. It's going to be soooo great! Big smiles.

Looking for work was very hard, and think I just gave up on looking the last few days. For most of you, you might think of me as sad, but to be honest, I did London. Its definitely not for the weak. Loved my only job here, working in a busy Pub & Restaurant on the North of London, but the only problem was the weekends. They were long, they were very late, and you never got a weekend night off. Imagine, no weekend night off in London for 5 months. It wasn't funny. It's great people can do that, but I don't go out much, and I really wanted to go out in London, with friends.

Who to go out with though, as well. When you work in a place like that at the start, its very hard to make friends. All you have is your work group, and they're all in the same situation. A few of my work colleagues Did get a weekend night off since I started, and honestly it wasn't fair..

So, that's my rant of my last job. Anyways, I'm flying to Shannon on Monday morning the 7th of April at 9.05am. Apart from my sister Roisin, my boyfriend Ollie and one of my close friends Angie, no-one else knows. For now...

Happy, but sad too. I'm leaving one special person behind, and it hurts a lot.. x


Anonymous said...

awwww Máirín.....i wish you'd tell Dad though like the Saturday before then we could pick u up at Shannon...that'd be so cool!!! Can't wait to see u!!! :D xxxx Roisin...btw signing this Anon cuz i have no feckin' clue what the rest are hahahaha!! :L:L:L:L:L:L:L:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

Ollie said...

Awwwww, take me off, I look a state!! ;)

you'll be missed loads by all the friends you've made here.. and me.. xxx